Alberta Introduces Bill to Legalize Online Sales and Cannabis Delivery

Alberta Introduces Bill to Legalize Online Sales and Cannabis Delivery

This week we got a huge announcement out of Alberta.

After 3.5 years of being the sole online cannabis distributer, it's looking like the AGLC will step aside and let the private market take the reins. A bill was tabled this past week to halt online sales from the AGLC website and instead allow cannabis retailers in the province to do both online sales direct to the consumer along with home delivery.

For over 3 years legal businesses have been campaigning for this regulation change and it now looks like the Kenney Conservative government will grant them their wish. Again, increased access to this plant is a critical piece to stamping out the black market that has gotten engrained into society through 93 of prohibition. With the need for access being even more exacerbated with the arrival of Covid, this is welcome news for the consumer. As one local cannabis consumer mentions "I don't always feel like going to the store and would rather get the store to come to me". Given how engrained delivery has been for cannabis consumers we are certain there are many others that feel this same sentiment.

Now alcohol delivery has been legal for years through popular Apps like Drizly. Which indicated it was only a matter of time before cannabis followed suit. Particularly with cannabis being declared an essential service it seemed imminent. Essential services are essential for a reason and in the case of cannabis it can help people through these tough times. What most people don't know is that cannabis isn't a one size fits all and effects vary greatly to each individual consumer. That's where an App like InstaLeaf can be handy to provide you with a tool to document your cannabis experiences through a strain diary. Community members can take notes on their experiences and look back to see what worked along with browse reviews of other likeminded canna enthusiasts to get pointed in the right direction.

Cannabis delivery already exists in other markets around Canada. These markets included British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Yukon having already created regulations to allow at home delivery. So although the Canadian cannabis regulations we're initially overly protective. It's great to see input from vested parties get through to people making the decisions and help this industry progress and flourish.

There's no blueprint for canna entrepreneurs to follow, they are currently writing it and the rest of the world is taking notes.

Keep it up Canada.


Stay Lifted,


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  • News Comments

    This is huge news. Cannabis delivery is engrained into the culture of cannabis. Much needed to have a chance to compete with the grey market